Saturday, December 31, 2011

8 Strategi Mencegah Stroke

Stroke atau hilangnya sebagian seluruh fungsi neurologis (saraf) yang terjadi secara mendadak kini menjadi salah satu penyakit yang cukup serius di Indonesia, karena jumlah kasusnya yang terus bertambah.

Di negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat, stroke menempati urutan ketiga sebagai penyebab kematian. Sedangkan di Indonesia, stroke adalah penyebab kematian terbesar dan penyebab kecacatan tertinggi.

"Diperlukan strategi untuk menghadapi stroke. Data di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa 8,3 per 10.000 penduduk menderita stroke," kata dr. Ekawati Dani Yulianti, SpS, spesialis saraf dari Rumah Sakit MRCCC Siloam Semanggi, saat seminar Healty Brain for Healthty Life, di Jakarta, Sabtu (14/1/2012).

Bahkan lanjut Eka, sebanyak 23 persen pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit akibat stroke berujung pada kematian.

Ada banyak faktor risiko yang memicu timbulnya stroke seperti hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, rokok, hiperkolesterolemia, sindrom metabolik, penyakit jantung, dan konsumsi alkohol berlebih. Tetapi, faktor risiko ini sebenarnya dapat diubah dengan cara tatalaksana gaya hidup.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa strategi jitu mencegah stroke seperti diungkapkan oleh dr. Eka :

1. Diet Sehat dan Seimbang

Diet sehat dan seimbang dapat diartikan dengan mengonsumsi banyak buah dan sayuran segar, susu rendah lemak, rendah kolesterol dan rendah natrium (asupan garam harian tidak boleh melebihi 2.300 mg atau sekitar 1 sendok teh)

2. Aktivitas fisik secara teratur

Latihan dengan tingkat sedang (akumulasi 30-60 menit) 4 sampai 7 hari dalam minggu. Misalnya, jalan santai, jogging, bersepeda, berenang. Untuk pasien berisiko tinggi direkomendasikan untuk mengikuti program yang diawasi secara medis.

3. Kendalikan Berat Badan

Mempertahankan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) pada kisaran 18,5 sampai 24,9 kg/m2 dan lingkar pinggang kurang dari 80 cm bagi wanita dan kurang dari 90 cm bagi pria (standar Asia Timur dan Selatan).

4. Stop Merokok

Rokok merupakan salah satu faktor pemicu terbesar terjadinya stroke. Segera berhenti merokok dan sebisa mungkin tinggal di lingkungan yang bebas dari asap rokok. Ada beberapa cara untuk menghentikan kebiasaan merokok dengan terapi pengganti nikotin (permen karet, patch) dan terapi tingkah laku.

5. Batasi Konsumsi Alkohol

Mengonsumsi alkohol sebenarnya tidak akan menjadi masalah asalkan tidak berlebihan. Konsumsi alkohol sebaiknya cukup dua gelas standar atau kurang per hari. Untuk pria, tidak boleh lebih dari 14 gelas per minggu. Sedangkan untuk perempuan kurang dari 9 gelas per minggu.

6. Kendalikan Hipertensi

Menurunkan tekanan darah yang tinggi sampai target kurang dari 140/90 mmHG (tanpa penyakit penyerta lain).

7. Kontrol Gula Darah

Bagi penderita diabetes, target penurunan tekanan darah lebih agresif kurang dari 130/80. Kontrol gula darah dengan target HbA1C <6,5 persen.

8. Hiperkolesterolemia

Bagi penderita kolesterol tinggi (hiperkolesterolemia), pemberian statin dan modifikasi gaya hidup dengan target kadar kolesterol LDL kurang dari 100 mg/dl.
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate full version

Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate merupakan salah satu dari puluhan Video Editing di Dunia yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi kemampuannya dalam mengolah sebuah Project Video. Sebenernya ini Requestan dari sobat  juga, dan karena banyak yang minta pula jadi langsung kabulkan deh. Secara sigifikan Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate ini mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri dibandingkan pesaing terberatnya sekarang yakni Corel VideoStudio Pro, Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate ini menang dalam Hal Add Ons yang bisa sobat nikmati dan pasang dengan sesuka hati dengan cara mendownload langsung dari Situs resminya.


Download :
Sistem Minimal yang Direkomendasikan :
  • OS : Windows XP Service Pack 2 - Vista - 7
  • Processor : Intel Pentium 4 atau Lebih tinggi
  • RAM : 1 GB atau Lebih tinggi
  • HDD : 4 GB Ruang bebas
  • DirectX 3D Supported

Semoga Bermanfaat
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Download Pinnacle Studio 15 HD Ultimate Collection 2011 Full Version

Brought to you by Avid®, the world leader in professional audio and video creation technology, Pinnacle Studio™ HD Ultimate v.15 makes it easy to edit like a pro with intuitive new features, ultra-fast performance, and a massive content collection.

Quickly import videos and photos—then edit scenes and make HD movies with over 2,000 effects and other content. Add interest with sophisticated animated titles, and produce your soundtrack with immersive Dolby Digital 5.1 surround. Then export your projects to popular formats—or burn to DVD or Blu-ray—and share them with the world. The unique new Archive and Restore tool conveniently preserves your work.
Quickly import photos and video
Easily drag and drop videos, photos, titles, effects, and music
Automatically create music to fit the length of your movie
Choose from over 2,000 2D/3D effects, transitions and other content—including professional Red Giant plug-ins
Preview in real time using the player window or full-screen mode
Create an immersive experience with Dolby Digital® 5.1 sound
Export to popular formats or burn to DVD or Blu-ray discs
Included Content Collection
Professional Red Giant Plug-ins With the included Red Giant plug-ins, you can enhance your productions with the same visual effects used in blockbuster Hollywood movies:
Knoll Light Factory: Light and lens flares from master effects guru John Knoll (visual effects supervisor; Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar)
ToonIt: Turn video into animation
Pinnacle Hollywood FX Volumes 1–3
Over 1,000 additional unique, professional-level transitions and effectswith themes including Waves, Sports, Space, Sci-Fi, Holiday, Weddings, Comics and Cartoons, Pirates, Secret Agents, Tropical Vacation, Historical Architecture, and many more. Also includes HFX Editor for creating customeffects.
Pinnacle Premium Pack Vol. 2
54 DVD menu templates, 81 titles, and 79 sound effects with themes including Baby, Kids, Winter, Travel, and more.
Import video and photos from video cameras, digital cameras, phones, DVDs, and more
Edit HD video on your computer-with ultra-fast performance when using AVCHD and H.264-based formats*Organize your media using the project bin and favorite foldersIncluded Montage templates give you a head start with easy-to-use, multi-layer animations, transitions, and titles Back up your work with the new Archive/Restore tool*
Use the Motion Titler to create sophisticated animated titles-just drag and drop Add professional effects from award-winning visual effects company Red GiantAdd incredible Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound to your productionsUse stop-motion capture for amazing animations and fast-motion effectsFix shaky camera shots with the same Avid technology used on major motion picturesUse the included DVD menus for a professional look
Easy one-click uploading to YouTube-including high-quality widescreen and HD* formatsShare straight to Blu-ray and DVDExport movies to Flash, DivX Plus MKV*, QuickTime® HD*, AVCHD, AVCHD Lite*, PS3, Wii, Xbox®, and more
* New in version 15.
Minimum System Requirements*
Windows® 7, Windows Vista® (SP2), or Windows XP (SP3)
Intel® Pentium® or AMD Athlon™ 1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz or higher recommended)
-Intel Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz required for AVCHD*
-Intel Core™ 2 Quad 2.66 GHz or Intel Core i7 required for
AVCHD* 1920
1 GB system memory recommended, 2 GB required for AVCHD*
DirectX® 9 or 10 compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB or higher recommended)
-256 MB required for HD and AVCHD*
DirectX 9 (or higher) compatible sound card
3.8 GB of disk space
DVD-ROM drive to install software
Import Formats
Video: AVCHD*, AVCHD Lite*, BD Blu-ray*, DV, HDV, AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DivX®*, MPEG-4*, 3GP (MPEG-4)*, WMV, non-encrypted DVD titles (incl. DVD-VR/+VR), QuickTime® MOV (DV, MPEG-4*, H.264*), DivX Plus® MKV*
Audio: MP3, MPA, WAV, AC3*, WMA
Export Formats
AVCHD*, AVCHD Lite*, BD Blu-ray*, HD-DVD, DVD (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, or DVD+RW, dual layer), S-VCD, Video CD (VCD)
Apple® iPod®, Sony® PSP/PS3, Nintendo® Wii, Microsoft® Xbox compatible formats*
YouTube HD
DV, HDV, AVI, DivX*, RealVideo® 8, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4*, Flash, 3GP*, WAV, MP3*, QuickTime® MOV, DivX Plus MKV*
Dolby® Digital 2-channel and 5.1-channel audio*
Input Options
Capture from DV, HDV, and Digital8 camcorders or VCRs-requires a FireWire® port)
Capture from analog camcorders, 8 mm, HI 8, VHS, SVHS, VHS-C, SVHS-C, or VCRs (NTSC/PAL/SECAM)-requires Pinnacle or Dazzle video hardware)
Import from AVCHD* and other file-based camcorders, digital still cameras, mobile devices, and webcams via USB
Output Options
Output to DV, HDV, or Digital8 tape (requires camcorder with FireWire input port and a PC with a DV/FireWire port)
Output to analog videotape (requires DirectShow-compatible device with video output)
Optional Accessories
CD burner for creating Video CDs or Super Video CDs (S-VCDs)
DVD burner for creating DVD and AVCHD* discs
Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray discs*
Sound card with surround sound output required for preview of surroundsound mixes*
* Requires free product activation via the Internet.


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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Free Download DivX Play 8.2.1 Pro Full Version

DivX Play 8.2.1

DivX Team - 45.74MB (Freeware)

DivX® 8 for Windows is a free download that provides everything you need to enjoy high-quality digital videos on your computer, including HD H.264 (.mkv) videos with AAC audio and videos created using all previous versions of DivX technology. You can also play your DivX files (.divx, .avi) on millions of DivX Certified® devices today. Look for DivX Plus™ HD Certified devices later this year that will support playback of all DivX and DivX Plus files, as well as .mkv (H.264/AAC) videos from the Internet.
Web Player: DivX Web Player lets you play up to HD-quality DivX® video in your web browser. You can also use DivX Web Player to easily embed DivX videos onto your website or blog.
Community Codec: With the DivX Community Codec, you can watch high-quality DivX® and DivX Plus™ (.mkv) videos using your favorite media player or create DivX files with popular third-party software.
Drag-and-drop DivX HD video creation (15-day trial): Convert your digital videos to the DivX® format for playback on your computer or DivX Certified® devices in one easy step. DivX Converter now supports the new DivX Plus™ HD profile so you can easily convert your HD video to H.264 (.mkv) with AAC audio.
DivX Pro Codec (15-day trial): The codec that revolutionized the video world is at it again.

Title:DivX Play 8.2.1
File size:45.74MB (47,966,752 bytes)
Requirements:Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Date added:December 21, 2011
Author:DivX Team
MD5 Checksum:4112CE84E2ED809054E14199F038DBF3

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Free Download Firefox 9.0 Final

Firefox 9.0

Mozilla Organization - 14.58MB (Open Source)

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.
User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Title:Firefox 9.0
Filename:Firefox Setup 9.0.exe
File size:14.58MB (15,292,704 bytes)
Requirements:Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
License:Open Source
Date added:December 20, 2011
Author:Mozilla Organization
MD5 Checksum:D9BD7159714A969D0119E09B1A49352A

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